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Application for the extension of the qualification as VDA 6.3:2023 certified process auditors (ID 386)

Date of application      15/09/2024

Preliminary remarks

Please submit the following documents to this application:

  • a copy of your valid certificate
  • a copy of your certificate of qualification or booking confirmation of the training “From VDA 6.3:2016 to VDA 6.3:2023 – Upgrade”
  • proof of auditing experience (see appendix).

All documents shall be submitted in English.

Files must be uploaded in PDF format.

The processing fee of 165 EUR (+ VAT) includes the application review and issue of a new VDA certificate.

Please note the bank details to proceed with the payment:

ANFIA SERVICE S.R.L. - Sede legale e operativa: corso Galileo Ferraris n. 61 - 10128 Torino

C.F./P.I. IT07064230019 - R.E.A. TO ‐ 834025 - Società soggetta all’attività di direzione e coordinamento dell’ANFIA - PEC: a href=''>


IBAN IT69 N030 6909 6061 0000 0185 790 IT69N0306909606100000185790

BIC BCTTTIMM CONTO 1000/00185790 - ABI 03069 - CAB 09606 - Conto Corrente 100000185790

For further information, please refer to:

ANFIA Service S.r.l. - Federica Cagnani


Phone: +39 011 55 46 531

Mob.: +39 335 543 71 69

All fields are mandatory.

Applicant's Information:

Applicant's current company address

Billing address (if different):

Please upload the referred proof document to each item.
1. Proof of the validity period
Copy of the current valid certificate (.pdf)
2. Proof of VDA 6.3:2023
Copy of your certificate of qualification of the training “From VDA 6.3:2016 to VDA 6.3:2023 – Upgrade”: Live-Online-Training ID 333 (EL-S8-H) - or alternatively Web-Based Training ID 384
3. Proof of auditing experience
At least five (5) process audits (at least 10 audit days in total) as responsible auditor in the period of validity of the qualification.
Internal as external process audits and/or potential analysis are accepted as well. A maximum of two (2) process audit days can be conducted as remote or hybrid audits.
If evidence of the required audit experience cannot be provided, the qualification can be extended only by attendance at “VDA 6.3 for certified process auditors” (ID 341).
Certificate of attendance of “VDA 6.3 Workshop for certified process auditors” ID 341 (,pdf) (EL-S8-F -
Appendix - Auditing experience
Please enter the conducted process audits in the following table (at least 5 audits with at least 10 audit days in the period of validity of the qualification)
A maximum of two (2) process audit days can be conducted as remote or hybrid audits.
Audit date Number of audit days Audited Organization Audited process(es) Type of the Audit
4. Further document (Optional) (.pdf)


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